Administrative Fee
The administrative fee includes coordination and scheduling time, use of Centerpoint Dispute Resolution’s facilities and complimentary snacks and beverages, document handling and exchange facilitation, copying, faxing, postage and administrative support. Courier service,express or overnight mail charges are not covered and will be invoiced to the party requesting or incurring same. Lunch will be provided upon request and invoiced to the parties at cost.
Neutrals Fee
Arbitrators and Mediators set their own hourly rate and professional time incurred by said neutral can include but is not limited to preparation time, the mediation or arbitration session, extra sessions or follow-up time, and any expected research or reading time incurred. Depending on the distance traveled, arbitrators and mediators may charge for travel time and expenses.
Rescheduling and Cancellation Policy
Where a single day is reserved, the deposit shall be fully refundable until two weeks before the schedules date (minus fees and costs incurred). Where multiple days are reserved, the remaining deposit shall be fully refundable until four weeks before the first day reserved. Once the deposit ceases to be refundable, it shall be forfeited to the extent it exceeds fees incurred on the day reserved. In addition, in the event of a forfeiture, the cancelling party shall be responsible for any claim of reimbursement from a non-cancelling party. If a case settles or is withdrawn after Centerpoint Dispute Resolution has confirmed a date with the parties, Centerpoint Dispute Resolution will be entitled to its administrative fee and any time and expenses incurred on the case.
Payment Policy
All fees and expenses will be split between the parties or paid as otherwise agreed. Centerpoint Dispute Resolution may require the parties to deposit such sums of money as deemed necessary to cover the expense of the proceeding, including the neutrals compensation and shall render an accounting to the parties at the conclusion of the matter, returning any balance due, if applicable. Otherwise, Centerpoint Dispute Resolution will bill the parties at the conclusion of the proceedings, and if requested will bill for said services in accordance with any agreement reached by the parties with respect to apportionment of said fees.
Arbitrators and mediators are entitled to compensation for all time they spend on the case. This time includes telephone time, preparation time, attendance time, follow up time, and traveling. Centerpoint Dispute Resolution is also entitled to reimbursement for all extra expenses, such as long distance calls, overnight mailing charges and any other miscellaneous charges.
Call 314-645-1500 or email us for the fee schedule
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”Winston Churchill