Agreement Coaching
“Conflict should build relationships, not end them.”
Agreement Coaching combines both dispute resolution and coaching principles. One of the major premises of conflict coaching is that the opportunity for growth and learning exists in any situation.
Agreement Coaching focuses on assisting individuals to improve their competency in conflict management. It is a dynamic, practical and productive process in which individuals build their capacity to develop creative and constructive ways to handle conflict and resolve disputes that negatively impact either their professional or personal lives.
It is a confidential and voluntary process in which a coach works with individual clients on a one-on-one basis to:
- examine their conflict management style
- increase their effectiveness at resolving disputes
- build confidence in handling conflict
- prepare for anticipated disputes
- improve communication skills
- gain insight into how conflict impacts them
- examine the drivers of conflict and how to mitigate their impact
- enhance conflict management skills.
The role of the coach is a blend of personal consultant, trainer, advisor, and motivator. The coach’s responsibility is to honor the client as the expert directing his or her own actions and discover what the client wants to achieve, encourage self-discovery, and elicit client generated solutions and strategies.
Agreement Coaching can be applied at anytime. In a dispute-specific instance, and coaching for negotiations/mediations, the process focuses on a particular dispute that the individual is or was involved in, or one which is anticipated that could adversely affect their personal or working relationships. In a more preventative and general application, conflict coaching is used for people who want to enhance existing skills or gain new conflict management skills. The many forms that conflict coaching may take are contingent upon the particular objective of the individual client or group.
Agreement Coaching sessions take place on a scheduled basis, e.g. weekly or biweekly, for a specified period of time. Each session typically lasts from 45 minutes to 75 minutes. Individual coaching may occur in person or by telephone and involves the use of assessment tools, fieldwork tasks, and role plays. This type of dispute resolution intervention is beneficial to managers, team leaders and supervisors. Team building based on a conflict coaching model can also benefit work units.
Call 314-645-1500 or email us today to set up a free consultation and allow us to help you determine if Agreement Coaching may be appropriate for you.
Ready to start the resolution?
“There is no necessary clash, no dichotomy between man’s reason and his emotions — provided he observes their proper relationship. A rational man knows — or makes it a point to discover — the source of his emotions, the basic premises from which they come.”Ayn Rand